Pricing discrepancies cause delays at the checkout and can deter customers from returning, shifting their brand loyalty. To resolve this, retailers can deploy ESLs, which can be updated in real-time, to eliminate manual process and ensure pricing accuracy.

Shelf Edge Technology – New Innovations

While ESL’s have been around for some time, new innovations offer a greater variety of ESL form sizes, faster update speeds, higher resolution displays and better resistance to fluctuating temperatures in store.

Modern ESL’s combined with Near Field Communication (NFC) and Quick Response (QR) codes go beyond displaying simple pricing information. Now, they can display additional insights such as nutritional/allergen information, stock updates, product reviews and different currency exchange rates.

This information can go a long way towards improving the customer experience, and ultimately, bolstering loyalty to a particular brand.

Sustainable Benefits

It is estimated that 180,000 tonnes of label waste is sent to UK landfill sites each year. However, the digital nature of ESL’s eliminates the need for paper labels and printers in-store, enhancing sustainable output.

Additionally, ESLs can now display a range of sustainable information about carbon footprint, energy rating, recycling, and source materials, allowing consumers to be more aware of the environmental impact of their purchase.

Working With Us

Partnering with Harrison Retail allows you to leverage our global network of in-house manufacturing, warehousing sites, and robust supply chain.

To explore our extensive range of existing ESL fixtures and accessories, browse our ESL profile guide or reach out to a member of our team via to discuss your next project.